ShortBux New PTC with 20 Ads to View Click n Earn.
Earn: $0.005 Per Click, $0.0025 Per Ref Click.
Payment: Fast Cashout At $ 5.00 Via Alertpay.
Ads : 18-20 Ads to View.

Dual Bux New Get Paid To Click. DualBux PTC has New Banner.

Be the first to reffer DUALBUX you will receive tons of innovative and great features! We provide all our members with instant payments! Which means you will get your payment withing seconds.As a member you can earn up to 2 cents per click! As a standard member you will get $0.006 per referral click and as a premium member you'll get $0.01. You are able to rent and/or purchase referrals.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you click the Ads after Login, click any link on ads to get paid. This is the reason why they are paying 2 Cents .

Minimum Payout: $10,Per Click: .02,Per referal click: .01,Time per payment: Instant

ROXYPTC New PTC with Instant Fast Payment $1.50 - Roxy PTC

Sign up to RoxyPTC today!
Earn: $0.005 Per Click, $0.0025 Per Ref Click.
Payment: Instant Cashout At $1.50 Via Alertpay.
Ads : 4-5 Ads to View.

Fast payments within 12 Hours for Premium!

Bienpagado - Paid To Click Pays in EURO

BienPagado Bux provides around 20 links a day.
Accept All International Members (except China).
Earnings: 00.3 Pence per click.
How? Log into BienPagado Bux daily to check for links, no emails are sent.
Payment: Paid via PayPal.
The minimum payout amount is €15.00. (In Euros)
Click here to join Bienpagado Bux

TakeTheGlobe-The Best Paid to Click Site - Take The Globe .

100 Ads Per Day, TAKE THE GLOBE is NO 1 Choice ... @TakeTheGlobe , you get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for a few seconds to earn money. You don't need any skills. This is because all you need to do is visit the sites we provide you with. You can earn even more by referring friends. Payment requests as little as $10.00 can be made every day and are processed through AlertPay .
Per click : $ 0.0050 Per referral click : $ 0.0025 Per premium click : $ 0.0100

Premium referral click : $ 0.0050 Payout : $ 10.0000 Total Users : Over 200,000


Here in the world of Clicksia, you can earn an extra stream of income by completing simple tasks; We have advertisers that will pay you real cash money to simply view their websites, and other advertisers will pay you even more to join their various programs!
Paid to Click
Paid to Read
Paid to Sign Up
Traffic Exchange
PTP $0.20 CPM
$1.00 Minimum Payout
10% Downline Earnings

RoudyCash - New Trusted Paid to Click site. Roudy Cash PTC 1st Payment Recevied.
RoudyCash offers
Earn: $0.01 Per Click, $0.01 Per Ref Click.
Payment: Instant Payout At $ 2.00 Via Alertpay.
Ads : 5-7 Ads to View.

For Clickkers this PTC is Must. Great Support.

MeansBux - $1 Instant Payout Paid to Click Site. Means Bux Best New PTC.

Meansbux offers
Earn: $0.01 Per Click, $0.003 Per Ref Click.
Payment: Instant Payout At $ 1.00 Via Alertpay.
Ads : 5-7 Ads to View.

- Payment requests is instant/premium, 7 business days/standard.
- The minimum payout is $1.00.