ME2EVERYONE - 1.5 V To Be Launched Soon . Latest Update And Last Call To Become Member.

Once upon a time a few people had a wonderful idea for a new place in cyberspace. They were entrepreneurs in the real world, marketing professionals and project managers. One day they created the concept that would become me2everyone and set upon a quest to find web programmers to transform the shining vision. Alas delays crept in and as every entrepreneur knows, the biggest frustrations in life come when waiting for other people to complete their tasks.

For instance, web developer “Dolphin” inherited a website so strewn with errors and poor programming that the easiest way forward was a complete re-write. Naturally with 400,000+ members in place already that puts pressure on the directors of me2everyone to deliver upon their promises. Also (and for instance), the legal process in England moves so slowly that legal documents and the conversion to PLC status seems to take a lifetime to evolve. So why should you stay with me2everyone?

There are plenty of wonderful websites on the planet that offer the chance to speak to your friends. There’s Yahoo! MSN, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, AOL, Second Life, Friendster and many more. me2everyone are aiming to join these ranks with an imaginative new way forward that combines the best of web 2.0 with a combination of business, fun and ownership. 2009 has become the year where we make mistakes, learn quickly, develop solid foundations and put the team in place that’s going to take everyone forward.

Becoming a household name is a challenge but we have 458,000 members with a shared future and a shared desire to make this happen. If you stay with us; if we are successful and; if you help us me2everyone can become one of the greatest websites on the planet. We have many ideas to keep the website fresh and exciting and we are pouring money into the future IT development...
Version 1.5 launches in June 2009
It will be a great looking, 2D traditional social network
You will be able to chat to your friends and become more involved with shaping me2everyone
Upload your photos and have different ways to view them
Search for friends and send video emails to each other
You will be able to upgrade to a new business for free and start making money

You will be able to register your shares and finally become a part-owner of me2everyone
You will be able to decide the types of advertisers who support me2everyone - we start with Adobe,Yahoo! Skype, and Swiss Airlines with many more to follow...

Version 1.5 gives you many of the features you expect from the giants in the world-wide-web but later this year version 2.0 arrives and it starts to re-define the way we use the web. me2everyone will evolve to combine fun, communication, real-world business, education, local search in a clever graphical way that makes the web feel brand new all over again.

So if you stay with us and if we become successful you will own part of history and watch your shares grow into a small fortune. Would you really want to miss out on the chance of sharing in the success? Join .

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